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VIDEO: Volunteers prep Christmas in Williams Park

Lights were untangled and re-strung in advance of the Friday opening

Christmas in Williams Park was several steps closer to being ready after volunteers turned out to help restring and untangle display lights and carry out other prep work on Saturday, said Barb Sharp, president of the non-profit society that hosts the annual holiday light show.

Sharp was delighted by the turnout in response to the society’s call for assistance, with about a dozen people showing up on Saturday, Nov. 25.

“There’s a lot of it got done,” Sharp told the Langley Advance Times.

“Santa is now in the sleigh [display]. I was able to wrap three deer and a candle, and do three wreaths [myself]. We got all the mini trees done and we got the firewood all put in, for having fires in the shed at night for the volunteers – so we can stay warmer.”

While some of the displays were not repairable, all those that were, have been fixed, and there are just a few “smaller things” remaining, Sharp said.

“We will have the odd thing to still work on, but I think we’ve done really well.”

One volunteer, B.C.Hot Rod Association vice-president Dave Tomlinson, came back a few days later to finish working on one of four deer displays he’s been working on during Saturday’s work party, Sharp noted.

It also turned out one of the displays, a “mega-tree” was missing some long strips of light that will require an express cross-border shipment to replace.

“Those are getting FedEx’d to me from contacts of mine in the U.S.A., so that I can get those here on time,” Sharp disclosed.

“Those strips actually come originally from Australia.”

READ ALSO: Volunteers needed to string up lights at Christmas in Williams Park

Newer attractions this year will include a six-feet-tall, 12-feet-wide “peacock tail” with multicoloured lights that move and a 12-foot “chandelier of lights” created last year by one of the volunteers.

Another new addition, to deter thieves, is a donated industrial-strength 24/7 security camera system.

READ ALSO: Organizers of this year’s Christmas in Williams Park plan for next year

Running since 1991, the event was nearly cancelled this year when the society was advised Langley Township parks staff would no longer be available to set up and take down lights, which led to a public outcry and a council vote to maintain municipal support for at least another year.

READ ALSO: Christmas in Williams Park will go on this year, council confirms

Beginning Friday, Dec. 1, Christmas in Williams Park runs from 5 to 9 p.m. at 68th Avenue and 238th Street. Admission is free, and donations will go towards more lights, and replacing existing lights.

The light exhibit will end earlier than usual, on Sunday, Dec. 17.

Prospective volunteers for the evenings are asked to email Kathy McMahon at to get an available time slot.


Dan Ferguson

About the Author: Dan Ferguson

Best recognized for my resemblance to St. Nick, I’m the guy you’ll often see out at community events and happenings around town.
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