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Sentencing hearing set in Langley crossbow killing case

Jason Robert William Griffiths convicted of manslaughter in the 2022 killing of Nicholas Ball
Police and IHIT at a Willoughby area site Tuesday, March 29, 2022, where Nicholas Ball was killed.

Sentencing arguments in a Langley crossbow killing case are set to be heard September, Friday the 13th in New Westminister Supreme Court.

Before that, a court hearing will be held on August 28 to confirm a pre-sentence report on Jason Robert William Griffiths is ready.

Griffiths was convicted of manslaughter in the killing of Nicholas Ball, whose body was found on March 29, 2022, on a partly forested property in the 7400-block of 208th Street.

Ball had been shot in the heart with a crossbow bolt during an argument with Griffiths, a homeless man who had been camping in a vacant lot.

Griffiths was charged with second degree murder, but Justice Michael Tammen found him guilty of the lesser offence of manslaughter instead.

In his May 29 decision, the judge described how Ball had sent Griffiths what Tammen described as hostile and threatening texts earlier that day about a cellphone.

Griffiths had accused Ball of stealing the phone, and Ball was angrily denying it.

One of the texts told Griffiths to bring his crossbow, because he would need it.

“You better find somewhere to hide,” another message said.

Eventually, Griffiths went back into his tent and got his crossbow. He stood outside the tent and told Ball to leave.

According to Griffiths, Ball said “I should just light you up right now. What are you going to do about it?”

Griffiths testified that Ball took two steps toward him. Griffiths fired the crossbow, hitting Ball, who fled down a path away from the camp site, and died nearby.

After arguments by the Crown and defence about the length of sentence are heard at the Sept. 13 hearing, a decision will likely be reserved to another date.