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Volunteers needed to string up lights at Christmas in Williams Park

Saturday event prepares for annual display

This Saturday, volunteers will be stringing up lights for Christmas in Williams Park.

Barb Sharp, president of the non-profit society that runs the annual drive-through light event, said several different decorations need to be “restrung” before the event opens.

“We also have a bunch of large candy cane posts that needs some red reflective tape on them,” Sharp added.

They also need help delivering letters to neighbours, zap strapping various decorations, and checking for any damage.

“So we’ve got some projects for people, and we’re going to do that on the 25th of November, which still will give enough time for the rest of the setup before we open.”

Work will begin at 10 a.m. and should wrap up by 2 or 3 p.m., Sharp estimated.

“We’ll provide some hot chocolate or coffee, and some cookies.”

Preparations are “going really well,” Sharp commented, “the new things we bought for this year are looking fantastic.”

Among the newer attractions is a “peacock tail” that is six feet tall and 12 feet wide with multicoloured lights that move and a 12-foot “chandelier of lights” created by one of the volunteers last year.

And a new addition, to deter thieves, is a donated industrial-strength security camera system that has been installed.

Zedcor is the company that donated the security system, Sharp disclosed.

“The intro of significant security 24/7 will help with any vandalism or theft,” she commented. “It’s really welcomed.”

Any business that would like to have a sign in the park for the event can still have one, for a $500 donation, Sharp advised.

READ ALSO: Organizers of this year’s Christmas in Williams Park plan for next year

The event, which has run since 1991, was nearly cancelled this year after the society was advised Langley Township parks staff would no longer be available to set up and take down lights – help the society has relied on for the last several years.

It led to a public outcry that saw council vote to maintain support for at least another year, and to hold discussions with the society early in the new year.

READ ALSO: Christmas in Williams Park will go on this year, council confirms

Christmas in Williams Park runs from 5 to 9 p.m. Admission is free, and donations go towards more lights and replacing existing lights.

This year, the event, which starts Dec. 1, will end earlier than usual, on Dec. 17.

Volunteers for the evenings of the event have been stepping up, Sharp advised.

“We’ve got just about every night covered so far.”

Prospective volunteers are asked to email Kathy McMahon at to get an available time slot.

Dan Ferguson

About the Author: Dan Ferguson

Best recognized for my resemblance to St. Nick, I’m the guy you’ll often see out at community events and happenings around town.
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