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Watch Canada’s population surpass 40 million people in real time

Stats Canada website shows births, deaths and immigration/emigration
A birth is recorded in Saskatchewan as Canada’s population moves to surpass 40 million people today. Everyone with an internet connection can watch it happen in real time. (Stats Canada website screen grab)

Canada’s population will reach a major milestone today – 40 million people – and everyone with an internet connection can watch it happen in real time.

Statistics Canada’s website features a Canada population clock (real-time model) which records births, deaths, immigration, emigration and inter-provincial migration as each happens (is modeled).

As of 9:40 a.m. today there were 39,999,708 people in Canada – that number climbs or drops, moment by moment, with each event.

Featured on the page is a grey map of the country, on which provinces and territories light up in different colours each time a change is recorded – blue for a birth, red for a death and so on.

Next to that, the population of each province and territory is adjusted accordingly and a scrolling list of demographic events at the bottom of the page outlines the three most recent changes.

A posting on the Statistics Canada website notes this 40-million milestone comes following a record year of growth.

However, it isn’t births that are the main driving force behind the increase.

“In 2022, Canada’s population grew by an unprecedented 1.1 million people, most of them permanent and temporary immigrants,” the site notes.

“Thanks to this influx, the 40-million mark was reached even faster than expected.”

The page includes a detailed history of population growth in Canada, beginning with the estimated 200,000 to 2 million First Nations people who occupied the land when the first Europeans began arriving in the 16th century and concluding with a look ahead to the day, an estimated 20 years from now, that Canada’s population reaches 50 million people.

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Brenda Anderson

About the Author: Brenda Anderson

Brenda Anderson is editor of the Peace Arch News.
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